Shelf Stable Isn't Their Only Quality!

We all make mistakes, but we can still succeed if we know how to make a comeback. While snack cakes may not have all the answers to life’s riddles, the humble Twinkie certainly knows how to pick itself up and start over. 

You may remember the headlines when Twinkies briefly disappeared from the stores after their parent company went bankrupt. Soon, they were back on the shelves in a turnaround billed as “The Sweetest Comeback in the History of Ever.” Use these tips to stage your revival. 

Comeback Lessons Inspired by Twinkies

  • Count on your friends. The hostess couldn’t have done it alone. The Twinkie comeback was driven by its loyal fans who campaigned on social media. To be resilient, it’s essential to develop strong friendships.
  • Simplify your message. Twinkie advertising focused on their return date, affectionately known as CakeFace Day. Identify your top priority and avoid getting bogged down in details.
  • Tap into nostalgia. A few financial troubles couldn’t dim people’s fond childhood memories of Twinkies. Hold onto the good things in your past, even when it’s necessary to make changes.
  • Pick a good name. The words we choose have a powerful effect on our thinking. Twinkies might have disappeared forever if they were just another sponge cake.
  • Provide value to others. Not everything in life can be deep-fried and full of sugar. It’s probably better that way. The important thing is to concentrate on how your actions serve others and why they appreciate what you do.

Other Comeback Lessons

  • Learn from your missteps. Building on your failures allows you to learn and grow. Any experience can make you a better person if you handle it constructively.
  • Hold yourself accountable. You may need to clean up before you can move on. Repair any harm you cause to others and yourself. Let your boss know you missed a deadline, but you’re restructuring your work so you’ll be quicker the next time.
  • Spot patterns. It’s common to make the same errors over and over again. Figure out what conditions sabotage your diet or make you late for work. Then, you’ll be able to make the necessary changes.
  • Take risks. Hang onto your courage. You may make a few blunders while you’re seizing valuable opportunities.
  • Seek inspiration. The world is full of role models even better than Twinkies. Nelson Mandela and Martha Stewart put their lives back on track after prison.
  • Forgive yourself. Others will be influenced by the attitude you adopt. If you pardon yourself, you’re likely to find more acceptance all around you.
  • Offer second chances. Extend mercy to others too. They’re likely to return the favor.
  • Acknowledge the past. Of course, questions may linger about your previous conduct. Be forthright about the facts. Let your current actions prove that you’ve matured.
  • Build up your capabilities. To get more promising results the second time around, you may need to beef up your resources. If you struggled in your last job, consider going back to school for an additional degree or certification. Talk with a therapist to help your second marriage last longer than your first.
  • Start now. Stop dwelling on all the reasons why it would be difficult for you to make a comeback. Decide to do your best from this moment on. You may be pleasantly surprised by the results.

Why let the past hold you back? With a positive attitude and enough effort, you can put any setback behind you and build a brighter future. Twinkies taught us that!

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