Latest News and Tips

Should You Have A Tax Attorney?

Should You Have A Tax Attorney?

It is unfortunate but true that many people do not even consider consulting a tax attorney until they open their mailboxes one day, and there is that dreaded letter from the IRS. A tax attorney is a lawyer that specializes in all areas of taxes. The tax attorney must...

Capital Gains Tax Explained

Capital Gains Tax Explained

Capital Gains Tax is imposed on capital accumulation, investment, and productivity. Some of the income subject to capital gains tax includes selling an investment, a home, a family business, a farm or ranch, or even a work of art. The capital gains tax is applied on...

Mileage Deduction Or Actual Expenses?

Mileage Deduction Or Actual Expenses?

Folks who use their vehicles for business or have vehicles dedicated to the business can deduct the mileage for business travel. There is a standard mileage deduction that can be claimed on your tax return, as well as an actual expense option. Which is better? Read on...

Should You Pay Your Taxes With A Credit Card?

Should You Pay Your Taxes With A Credit Card?

If you own your own business or have not been deducting enough from your paychecks each week, you will probably owe some income taxes when tax time rolls around. This is never fun, and if you do not have the money in your checking account right now, you might be...

An Intro To Capital Gains

An Intro To Capital Gains

Capital is a unique term when it comes to taxes. If it gains value, you pay a tax. You can write at least some of the loss off if it loses it. Capital Assets – Gains and Losses for Taxes Practically everything you own is a capital asset. This is true whether you use...

Turn Creativity Into A Career

Turn Creativity Into A Career

Maybe you’d like to turn your creativity into a career, but jokes about starving artists make you a little nervous. In reality, it is possible to make a living while making art.  Whether you’re a drama student trying to figure out what to do after graduation or...

Tips For Preparing Your Taxes

Tips For Preparing Your Taxes

Well, it’s that time again — tax time. It’s time to gather all of those rumpled receipts from the shoe box and straighten them out. Whether you are doing your taxes or having the service performed by someone else, getting all of your papers in order beforehand will...

Some Tax Jokes

Some Tax Jokes

Do you realize that some tax forms ask you to check a box if you are BLIND? Quote: “Two years ago it was impossible to get through on the phone to the IRS. Now it's just hard to get through. That's progress.” -Charles Rossotti, former IRS Commissioner Disappointed...